Special Assessment Information


Minutes from Linden Tree Lane HOA Board Meeting March 29, 2021

  1. Attendance:
    1. Board members: Carol, Shari, George, Bob, Dave; and Ken Walter.
    2. Home owners: Lynn Zingale, Bert Millhouse, David Curtis, Val Guder, Carol Blake, Steve Leighton, Dennis.
  2. Homeowners’ comments/questions were taken and answered
  3. Previous meeting minutes: Board approved minutes from February 29 meeting
  4. Treasurer report: Ken presented the financial report for February.
    1. Heavy snowfall push cost of snow removal to $16k over budget
  5. Landscape report: Bob went over landscape report.
    1. Plants (incl. 298 boxwood shurbs) damaged during unprecedented harsh winter. Cost of replacement $27k.
  6. Maintenance report: Shari gave update about maintenance.
    1. Everything is on track budget-wise
    2. Some winter damage regarding fences. Will assess further
    3. Working with Linhomes for a plan towards roof replacement
  7. Website report: Everything Ok (George)
  8. New business: Special assessment of $650 was proposed, discussed and passed by everyone who participated. To pay for $43k unexpected expense.
    1. Paid over 3 months: April May June. Due July 1 . Details in a separate email.
    2. General idea is we do not want to either touch our reserve budget or increasemonthly assessment fees.
  9. Next meeting is on: May 10th 7:30pm via Zoom/li>

January 14 2021 HOA Meeting Minutes

Linden Tree Lane has received a GOLD award in the ILCA (Illinois Landscape Contractor Association) commercial maintenance category.
There we very few gold awards given, and these were the only 2 offered in the category of Commercial Maintenance. The other site was another Moore project.


Minutes from Linden Tree Lane HOA

  1. Attendance:
    1. Board members: Carol, Shari, George, Bob, Dave; and Ken Walter.
    2. Home owners: Dennis Webster, Steve Leighton
  2. Previous meeting minutes: Board approved minutes from October 27 meeting
  3. Board discussed homeowners’ questions and feedbacks.
  4. Treasurer report:
    1. Ken presented the financial report for November/December 2020.
    2. 4 home sales this year, currently no house listing on the market
  5. Landscape report: Rob went over landscape report.
  6. Maintenance report: No major outstanding maintenance issues (Shari).
  7. Website report: Everything Ok (George)
  8. Issues: Dog’s waste not removed in grass area near pump house. This is a violation of Cook County Ordinance, Sec. 10.8 (r), can be fined up to $500, and all in all, an irresponsible and disgusting behavior. If you see something, let us know!
  9. Next meeting is annual meeting: January 14, 7pm via Zoom.
  10. Tentative meetings for 2021: 2/15, 3/17 at 7:30pm.

BoardMeeting December2 ,2020


Dear Homeowners,

The annual meeting of the Linden Tree Lane HOA will be held on January 14, 2021 at 7pm via Zoom.

Please find attached information relating to the meeting. ( This information is duplicated on the Linden Tree Lane website: www.lindentreelane.com).

  1. Annual Meeting Agenda
  2. Letters of Candidacy for the Election of board members:
  3. Proxy Ballot

Time: Jan 14, 2021

Please advise if you have any questions.

Dave Lai, Secretary
Linden Tree Lane HOA