Minutes from Linden Tree Lane HOA Annual Board Meeting May 23rd, 2022
Board members: Carol, Shari, George, Bob, Dave; and Ken Walter.
Homeowners: Dennis Webster, Ujjwal Rastogi.
Previous meeting minutes: Board approved minutes from March meeting.
Treasurer report: Ken presented the treasury report for May 2022. Snow removal went above budget by $5,545 and would require a special assessment of $85 per household.
Landscape report: Bob went over landscape report.
Maintenance report: Shari summarized the upcoming maintenance projects for our homes.
Website report: George reported that everything is ok with the website.
New business:
– Gas leak warning: check your gas pipes near gas meter for leaks and corrosion
– Carpenter bees: identify and solution: https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef611