The October meeting of the Linden Tree Lane Homeowner’s Association will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 15 at the home of Merle Schwartz (4232).

The Board will discuss the proposed 2015 budget, the conclusion of the sump pump issues discovered earlier, the status of the painting project and other items.

Click here for the agenda.

Hope to see everyone there!

-LTL Board


The next scheduled meeting of the Linden Tree Lane Homeowner’s Association will be held on Wednesday, September 3 at 7 p.m. at the home of Sherry LeRoy (4211).

Click here for the agenda.

Hope to see everyone there!

– The LTL Board

Dear Homeowners,

The meeting minutes for the LTL HOA Board meeting on July 14, 2014 are now available.

Please click below to read the minutes.

LTL HOA Minutes July 14, 2014

-LTL Board

Dear Homeowners-

Every year the Illinois EPA tests the water servicing our community for regulated contaminants. The report of their findings for the latest calendar year are shown below.

The Illinois EPA found all amounts of regulated contaminants to be within normal ranges.

Click below to see the full report:

Annual Drinking Water Quality Report 2013

-LTL Board

The July meeting of the Linden Tree Lane Homeowner’s Association will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 14 at the home of Bernie Arends (4231).

Please see below for the agenda.

Hope to see everyone there!

-LTL Board

July 2014 agenda

The next meeting of the Linden Tree Lane Homeowner’s Association will be held June 25, 2014, at 7 p.m. at the home of Merle Schwartz (4232).

Click to download the agenda: June 2014 agenda

Hope to see everyone there!

The LTL Board