June 2016 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

June 2016 HOA Minutes

December Meeting MinutesThe next Homeowner’s Association Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday June 8, 2016, at the home of Bonnie Feingold and George Thompson (4275) at 7:00 pm. All homeowners are welcome to attend.

June 2016

meetng minutes imageThe minutes of the April 2016 HOA Board Meeting are now available at the link below.

LTL-HOA April 2016 Meeting Minutes

The April Homeowner’s Association Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 19, 2016, at the home of Bernie Arends (4231) at 7:00 pm. All homeowners are welcome to attend.

April 2016 Meeting Agenda


meetng minutes imageThe Linden Tree Lane HOA held its regular meeting on March 30, 2016.

Please see below for the minutes from this meeting.

HOA Board Meeting 033016

The next meeting of the HOA Board will be 7pm Wednesday, March 30, 2015 at  Sherry LeRoy’s residence 4211. All homeowners are welcome to attend.

The meeting Agenda is here: March 2016.