Reserve Study Committee Members


Minutes from Linden Tree Lane HOA

1. Attendance:
a. Board members: Carol, Shari, George, Bob, Dave; and Ken Walter.
b. Home owners: 4294, 4222, 4213, 4211, 4281, 4285, 4269, 4252, 4254, 4263, 4253. 4233.

  1. Homeowners’ comments/questions were taken and answered
  2. Previous meeting minutes: Board approved minutes from June 14 meeting
  3. Treasurer report: Ken went over budget and proposed budget in 2022.
  4. Landscape report: Bob went over landscape report.
  5. Maintenance report: Shari gave update about maintenance.
  6. Website report: Everything Ok (George)
  7. New business: Discussion about the Budget Study took place. A committee is being formed with 10 volunteers from Homeowners.

    a. Committee will be in charge of exploring multiple options regarding building up the HOA Reserves for upcoming major maintenance, then present them to the Board.

  8. Next meeting is on: Tuesday September 28th, 7:30pm via Zoom



Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Yesterday evening, at the homeowner’s meeting, several of the neighbors attended and along with the Board, engaged in a lively discussion regarding the updated Reserve Study. The Reserve Study was prepared for the HOA by LM Consultants, Inc., an Architectural and Engineering Consulting Firm and was previously forwarded to all owners on August 15th for review. As we previously advised you, the study is a 56 page long, comprehensive document that analyzes our present and future ability to financially manage and maintain the Linden Tree Lane community.

Because the Reserve Study has indicated that our reserves will fall short to cover the cost of future maintenance and repairs (i.e. roof replacement, pump house repairs/maintenance, etc) the Board requested that a committee of homeowners (perhaps 10) be formed to discuss, analyze and work together to create a solution that will be in the best interest of all. We anticipate that this Committee would meet monthly and would report to the Board prior to the each meeting. The time commitment will likely be an hour or two each month for the next few of months.

At the homeowner’s meeting yesterday evening, the following homeowners offered to participate in this Reserve Study Committee: Tolga Guder (4294); Patrick (Chase) Williams (4213); Lana Razumov (4285); and, Carol and David Blake (4252). In addition, Steve Leighton (4263), who has invested many hours of his time and provided us with his detailed analysis of the study, has indicated that he will attend the first committee meeting to help explain his understanding of the study. In addition, Jim Liddle (4254) has offered to investigate HOA loans.

There are many financially savvy homeowners in our community and we are hoping that some of you will share your talents by working on this project. The issues at hand will affect the entire community and your input is needed .

If you are willing to invest some time on this Committee, please contact me prior to September 8 . My contact info is as follows: [email protected] or (847) 922-4954.


Best regards,

Carol A. Di Giacomo

President of Linden Tree Homeowners Assn.

This is the reserve study conducted by the HOA for 2021. It is 56 pages long.

Linden Tree Reserve Study

A couple of important points to note:
  1. Special assessments: 19 homeowners have not yet paid the special assessment. Please be reminded that the due date for this is July 1st. That is by this coming Thursday. If it’s not paid on a timely basis they will be referred to our attorney for collections. Please find my earlier email with detailed instructions on how to pay.
  2. Boxwood plant replacement: Unfortunately, a second count was done a month after our initial count, and an additional 244 boxwoods are dead/damaged from the blight & fungi. We are discussing preventative measures with Moore’s Landscaping and implementing them soon for this fall and the next year. Because of the extra damage, the special assessment could not cover this, and a portion of the landscaping budget for next year will be used. Please keep in mind that the boxwoods are being replaced, they are rolling them out over the summer but will go into the next year as well. So please be patient when Moore’s Landscaping is replacing them all.
  3. Budget study: The board is conducting a budget study to make sure we have a good operating budget and a healthy reserve fund. This was discussed during the meeting and we will let everyone know as soon as there are any updates.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you


Minutes from Linden Tree Lane HOA Annual Board Meeting June 14th, 2021

  1. Attendance:
    1. Board members: Carol, Shari, George, Bob, Dave; and Ken Walter.
    2. Home owners: Steve, Dennis, David Curtis, Sherry LeRoy
  2. Homeowners’ comments/questions were taken and answered
  3. Previous meeting minutes: Board approved minutes from May 10th meeting
  4. Treasurer report: Ken presented the financial report for May.
    1. Special assessment due date is July 1st
    2. If not paid on a timely basis they will be referred to our attorney for collections and homeowner will be responsible for legal fees.
  5. Landscape report: Bob went over landscape report.
    1. Additional 244 boxwood are affected by the blight and fungi and need to be replaced. The special assessment could not cover and a portion of landscaping budget for next year will be used.
    2. Replacement for the boxwood is being rolled out but will continue to take place until next year so please be patient
    3. Preventative measures are being discussed and implemented to prevent this going into the Fall and next year.
  6. Maintenance report: Shari gave update about maintenance.
  7. Website report: George updated about website status.
  8. Lighting report: John updated about lighting status: everything ok.
  9. New business:
    a. The board is conducting a reserve study to ensure we have a good operating budget and healthy reserve fund. We will send out more updates when there are new developments.
  10. Next meeting is on:
    a. August 18th 7pm via Zoom.

HOA Minutes May 10