November AgendaLinden Tree Lane Homeowner’s Association
Board of Director’s Meeting
Wednesday, November 20th, 2013
7:00 pm at the Home of Merle Schwartz (4232)


1. Welcome/Introductions

• Board Members Present: Sherry LeRoy, Ken Walter, Bernie Arends, Merle Schwartz
• Homeowners present: Jim Riddle (4254), John O’Malley (4211), Bob and Diane McNeil (4290)

2. Approval of Minutes- October 23rd, 2013

• Approved

3. Homeowner Comments:

• None

4. Old Business-

a. Chimney conclusion –Sherry

• Chimney repairs have been completed.
• All chimneys now have new ice and water shields, and custom fabricated copper caps.
• Thanks to all Homeowners for your cooperation with the driving on Linden Tree Lane during these repairs.

b. Satellite dish update – John O’Malley

• Out of the ten worst offenders of the satellite policy, three are in compliance, three are working to be compliance, and the others have until December 15 to be in compliance.

c. Unauthorized leasing of 4219

• A letter was sent re: eviction to the owner of 4219 and we are waiting to hear from owner before legal action is taken.

5. Treasurer’s Report – Ken

a. Monthly budget review

• We are on budget and slowly building our reserve account.

b. 2014 Budget Review

• As our development is going on ten years, we are due for some capital improvements.
• We are beginning a five year plan to paint the outsides of all townhomes.
• We will also be painting the railings, coach lights and mail box posts. This has to be done to prevent further rusting.
• Because of this, assessments are going up to $350.00 per month.
• The Board decided this was better than having a big special assessment.
• All of this will be explained in a letter going out to all Homeowners.

6. Landscape Update– Bernie

a. Repairs from salt delivery damage

• Damage to our landscaping made by the salt delivery truck was repaired and we deducted the $1600.00 fee from the invoice.
• Final leaf cleanup is underway.
• Snow marker poles will be installed soon.
• To prevent damage to our beautiful landscaping, we will again be using sand to melt snow on streets, sidewalks and stoops.
• If you see a spot of ice that was missed, please DO NOT put down salt. Instead, use a salt substitute such as ICE MELT which is environmentally safe for both plants and animals. This can be purchased at Home Depot, Ace hardware, or Lowes.

7. Maintenance Update-Bernie

• Due to the storm last Sunday, shingles will be repaired on 4294-4296 units.
• Kudos to David Kim (4295) for being the first Homeowner to use our new maintenance request form that is in the website.

8. Website – Stevhanie

• As noted above, one homeowner is using our new website. If anyone wants to file a maintenance request, there is a form on the website to use. It is easy and gets to the correct person.

9. Lighting Committee Update – John O’Malley

• Bulbs are on order.
• The Board approved the purchase of white Holiday lights to put on the trees by the entrance.

10. New business?

a. Upcoming Board Elections

• There are two Board positions available for this coming term. The term is two years. Email will be sent out next month regarding applying for a board position.
• The Annual Meeting will be at the Glenview Police Station at 7:00 on January 29, 2014. Reminders will be sent out.

Next Meetings:
December 17th – at the home of Stevhanie Isaacson (4215)
January 29th – Annual Meeting
February ¬19th- at the home of Bernie Arends (4231)

November AgendaLinden Tree Lane Homeowner’s Association
Board of Director’s Meeting
Wednesday, November 20th, 2013
7:00 pm at the Home of Merle Schwartz (4232)

1. Welcome/Introductions

2. Approval of Minutes- October 23rd, 2013

3. Homeowner Comments:

4. Old Business-

a. Chimney conclusion –sherry
b. Satellite dish update – John O’Malley
c. Unauthorized leasing of 4219

5. Treasurer’s Report – Ken

a. Monthly budget review
b. 2014 Budget Review

6. Landscape Update– Bernie

a. Repairs from salt delivery damage

7. Maintenance Update-Bernie

8. Website – Stevhanie

9. Lighting Committee Update – John O’Malley

10. New business?

a. Upcoming Board Elections

Next Meetings:
December 17th – at the home of Stevanie Isaacson (4215)
January 29th – Annual Meeting
February ¬________- at the home of Bernie Arends (4231)

Insurance 2013-2014

PC Insurance Program Summary 2013-14



October Meeting Minutes

LTL HOA Minutes-October 23, 2013

halloweenAll homeowners are welcome to join The Board of Director’s Meeting

Wednesday, October 23rd at 7:00 pm

At the home of Sherry LeRoy (4211)

Click on the link below to view the agenda.

LTL_Agenda-October 2013


September Minutes