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Minutes from Linden Tree Lane HOA Board Meeting October 21st, 2020

  1. Attendance:
    1. Board members: Carol, Shari, George, Bob, Dave; and Ken Walter.
    2. Home owners: Jim 4254, Mary Jo Curtis 4220
  2. Previous meeting minutes: Board approved minutes from September 23 meeting
  3. Treasurer report:
    1. Ken presented the financial report for 2020.
    2. Ken and the board reviewed and approved the proposed budget for 2021.
    3. Assessment stays the same at $365/month.
  4. Landscape report: Bob went over landscape report.
  5. Maintenance report:
    1. Shari summarized maintenance issues in 2020.
    2. We have gutter cleaning coming up in November. Notification email willbe sent out when the repair is near.
  6. Website report: Everything Ok (George)
  7. Next meeting: December 2nd 7:30pm via Zoom.
  8. Annual meeting for 2021: January 14, 7pm via Zoom.

We would like to remind everyone that effective November 1st, the parking policy will be strictly enforced again. We have been lax over the summer due to Covid etc. however that will change with the impending winter weather.

The HOA Board recently approved a suggestion by the Lighting Committee to make a change regarding the Coach Lights next to your front doors. Over the next two weeks we will be installing new LED bulbs in these Coach Lights. These bulbs have a built in “Dusk to Dawn” feature, which means they turn themselves on and off. All that is required is to turn off any timer functions so that the bulbs are “on” all the time.

Please read the pdf which has detailed instructions.

LTL Front Coach Lights

June 24 Minutes

May Agenda